Princess Catherine Is Under Pressure Again?
“Harry and Meghan,”,the Netflix docuseries, debuts before December 15, but reportedly, that episode with be scathing for the royal family. The problem is, it coincides with the Christmas Carol event patroned by The Princess of Wales which is held for charity at Westminster Abbey. Even tempered as a rule, the royal crossover has royal expert Sean Neil fuming
Meghan and Harry seem to have no regard for any of the royal family. So, he questioned why Harry and his wife would not buy into the Christmas spirit. Would it have been so hard to at least hold off and air the episode after the season of love, joy, and forgiveness? Bear in mind, it’s been a sad year with the death of Queen Elizabeth.
Kate Middleton Showcased Her Own Talent Last Year
If you recall, last year, the Princess of Wales charmed everyone when she partook in the Christmas carol concert She stood out in her red dress as she walked up to the piano which was surrounded by candles. Atually, many people appreciated the beauty of the moment. But, there will be no beauty emerging from the apparently vindictive mouth of Meghan Markle.
Harry and Meghan talk about the degradation of women who marry into the royal damily. And yet, they seem determined to divert attention from Kate Middleton who actually gets the concept of the Christmas spirit. The Princess of Wales is loved by the British public and they hate seeing her embroiled in Harry and Meghan’s vendetta.
Harry and Megan Have No Festive Spirit?
Who would really want to sit in a mansion in Montecito California, and gloat over the ugliness that will overshadow a Christmas concert? Are they not aware that their own kids will learn from the example they set? As Neil Sean said sarcastically on his YouTube channel, they must live a “terrible life.”
Actually, he mentioned that Kate Middleton and the rest of the royal family can’t really even begin to repair the relationship when it’s so “one-sided.” Furtheremore, how can anyone reconcile when the other people insist on constantly bleating about how hard done by they are?
Hopefully, Kate Middleton will appeal to people of a kind nature when her Christmas Carol Concert takes place.
What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.
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It is time for this feud to stop. Harry MUST pull the reigns in on his wife. She is nothing but trouble and a mean person at that. She causes nothing by havoc and loves doing so. Unfortunately for Harry their titles must go. They are not royals anymore so they deserve no titles until they learn how to grow up. Harry has gotten the short end of the stick but he lets it happen all the time. It is time for him to put his boot up her behind. She needs this done fast and furious because she needs to learn a lesson in life and another big one of how to be a wife. I feel sorry for her kids in the end.
[…] the concerts together, “Harry & Meghan” Part 2 played out on Netflix. Actually, those who feared that the show might devastate the royals with new revelations needed have worried so much. In fact, […]